Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR





Article 2

The full name of the party is the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR, while its short form (abbreviation) is URR. [...]


THE Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR

Article 4

Goals of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR party are exclusively political in their nature. They are subordinated to its fundamental aim, which is to carry out political activities able to generate an increase in the prosperity of every Romanian citizen.

Article 5

The Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR is a center-right political party that promotes the values of the modern European democracy, adapted to the political, economical and social realities of Romania.

Following the spirit of the Political Program of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR, whose basic principle is that "each and everyone matters", the party's political activity is particularly focused on reaching the following goals:

  1. preserve and protect the national, sovereign, independent, unitary and indivisible character of the Romanian state, as well as the Republican form of government in Romania;
  2. preserve and guarantee the fundamental human rights (as stipulated in the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights) and the rights of the common citizen, in accordance with the Constitution of Romania;
  3. promote and defend democracy as the most efficient social system, which secures the material and spiritual progress of every individual and the society as a whole;
  4. guarantee the private property and encourage entrepreneurship as the engine of economic progress under free competition terms;
  5. provide access to education and medical care for all Romanian citizens;
  6. provide free and equal chances for access to material, spiritual, professional and social self-fulfillment for every Romanian citizen;
  7. strengthen the authority of the state institutions and ensure that all citizens obey the law, regardless of their public position, social status or personal wealth;
  8. integrate Romania into the European Union and NATO, as long as the goal complies with the fundamental interests of the Romanian people related to social-economic development and national security;
  9. create a modern and efficient political system in Romania, which can effectively manage the economic and social life for the benefit of the Romanian citizens.


Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR

Article 8

The Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR member status can be achieved by filling in a standard application form addressed to the president of the local organization where the petitioner lives. Persons with stable or floating residence in Bucharest may express their choice for any of the Bucharest district organizations.

Article 9

The Local Directing Committee of the organization will submit each application for approval. The decision must be notified within 30 days from the application's registration date.

Subsequent to application approval, the petitioner becomes a member once he/she receives the member card, within five days from application approval. [...]



Article 17

The Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR establishes operational structures throughout Romania, built on three different tiers:

Article 19

The smallest party structures may be legally constituted provided they have minimum 9 members. [...]

Article 20

The leading structures of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR for the local level are:

Article 29

The leading structures of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR at county level and Bucharest level are:

Article 42

The leading structures of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR at national level are:



Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR

Article 61

The meetings of the different structures of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR are statutory constituted with a presence of half plus one of the component members.

Article 64

Excepting elections for the leading bodies of the party, which are held by secret vote, all other decisions of the component structures of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR are taken by open vote.

Article 65

Excepting situations where the Statute stipulates otherwise, all decisions belonging to structures of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR are taken with a simple majority of half plus one of the number of present members; mandated individuals are considered present.

Article 66

Any member of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR may simultaneously hold maximum two leading positions within the party.

Leading positions are considered member positions within Directing Committees at every level.

Article 67

The candidatures for Directing Committees at all levels are deposited by means of 5 persons teams, one for each position (president, 3 vice-presidents - one of them acting as replacement of the president - and secretary).

Article 80

In order to establish the composition of the National Leading Council, county branches of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR will establish six Romanian regions, as follows:

  1. The Banat-Crisana-Maramures region, made of 7 counties: Maramures, Bihor, Satu Mare, Arad, Timis, Caras-Severin and Hunedoara.
  2. The Ardeal region, made of 9 counties: Salaj, Bistrita Nasaud, Cluj, Alba, Sibiu, Mures, Harghita, Covasna, Brasov.
  3. The Moldova regiona, made of 8 counties: Suceava, Botosani, Neamt, Iasi, Bacau, Vaslui, Vrancea, Galati.
  4. The Oltenia region, made of 8 counties: Mehedinti, Gorj, Dolj, Valcea, Olt, Arges, Teleorman, Giurgiu.
  5. The Muntenia region, made of 8 counties: Prahova, Buzau, Ialomita, Calarasi, Braila, Tulcea, Constanta.
  6. The Bucharest region, made of Bucharest City and Sectorul Agricol Ilfov.
Article 81

Each region, except Bucharest, gives 3 representatives for the National Leading Council. They are:

Article 82

Bucharest region gives 4 representatives in the National Leading Council. They are:

Article 83

A system of representative votes for the county branches will be used for the works of the National Convention. The total 301 representative votes (equaling the number of delegates) will be distributed according to the representation norm set by the National Directing Committee, prior to the call for the National Convention, and will be notified upon, in writing, during the call.

Article 84

For the National Directing Committee, the candidate teams are made of 5 individuals (for all the positions in the committee: president, 3 vice-presidents - one of them acting as replacement of the president - and secretary general); a team candidature must be proposed in writing by at least 6 regional representatives (out of the total number of 19); teams of candidates are secretly voted by all party members in each county; the team that gets the largest number of votes in a county gets all the representative votes for that county; the team that gets the largest number of representative votes (out the total number of 301) in the National Convention wins the leadership of the party.

Article 85

Elections for the National Directing Committee are held at the headquarters of each local organization where sealed ballot boxes are placed. The voting is done within one single day in all the local organizations in the country. [...]

The next day, the vote ballots together with the voting results in the local organizations are centralized at the quarters of the county branch or Bucharest branch where the county commission for vote counting will validate the results in the county, designating the team which got the biggest number of votes and which consequently receives the total number of representative votes in that county. [...]

The counting of the representative votes at national level and the designation of the winning team are done in the National Convention, where every president of county organization allocates the number of representative votes in his county to the team which got the biggest number of votes from the members of the county organization he runs.