Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR











Article 1

The Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR is a Romanian legal entity, registered as political party and acting in compliance with the Constitution of Romania, the Law on Political Parties no. 27 from April 26, 1996 and the provisions of the present Statute.

Article 2

The full name of the party is the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR, while its short form (abbreviation) is URR.

The party's graphic sign and it's electoral sign are the following:




Both the name and the party's graphic sign can be modified only by decision of the National Convention of the Party.
The electoral sign can be modified only by decision of the National Directing Committee of the Party.

Article 3

Headquarters of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR Party are located in Bucharest.

Headquarters' location can be modified only by decision of the National Directing Committee of the Party.


THE Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR

Article 4

Goals of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR party are exclusively political in their nature. They are subordinated to its fundamental aim, which is to carry out political activities able to generate an increase in the prosperity of every Romanian citizen.

Article 5

The Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR is a center-right political party that promotes the values of the modern European democracy, adapted to the political, economical and social realities of Romania.

Following the spirit of the Political Program of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR, whose basic principle is that "each and everyone matters", the party's political activity is particularly focused on reaching the following goals:

  1. preserve and protect the national, sovereign, independent, unitary and indivisible character of the Romanian state, as well as the Republican form of government in Romania;
  2. preserve and guarantee the fundamental human rights (as stipulated in the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights) and the rights of the common citizen, in accordance with the Constitution of Romania;
  3. promote and defend democracy as the most efficient social system, which secures the material and spiritual progress of every individual and the society as a whole;
  4. guarantee the private property and encourage entrepreneurship as the engine of economic progress under free competition terms;
  5. provide access to education and medical care for all Romanian citizens;
  6. provide free and equal chances for access to material, spiritual, professional and social self-fulfillment for every Romanian citizen;
  7. strengthen the authority of the state institutions and ensure that all citizens obey the law, regardless of their public position, social status or personal wealth;
  8. integrate Romania into the European Union and NATO, as long as the goal complies with the fundamental interests of the Romanian people related to social-economic development and national security;
  9. create a modern and efficient political system in Romania, which can effectively manage the economic and social life for the benefit of the Romanian citizens.
Article 6

The Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR looks to fulfill its aim and goals by taking the following actions:

  1. taking part, via its on own lists or via political alliances, in the elections for the local administration, as well as in the general parliamentary and presidential elections;
  2. Parliamentary presence;
  3. establishing the Cabinet by its own or by means of a coalition with other political bodies;
  4. presence within public administration bodies at all levels;
  5. presence within international bodies where Romania is entitled and can send representatives;
  6. building up permanent communication channels with all layers of the society.


Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR

Article 7

Any individual may become a member of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR, regardless of race, gender, ethnical origin or religious beliefs, as long as the individual in question meets the following conditions:

  1. is aged 18 or over;
  2. is a Romanian citizen;
  3. is not a member of any other political party in Romania;
  4. preserves the Statute of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR and supports the Political Program of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR;
  5. does not hold any position incompatible with becoming a member of a political party, as stipulated in the Law on Political Parties;
  6. did not commit abuses or irregularities while performing his/her professional private, public or political activity;
  7. his/her political rights have not been cancelled by final court decision.
Article 8

The Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR member status can be achieved by filling in a standard application form addressed to the president of the local organization where the petitioner lives. Persons with stable or floating residence in Bucharest may express their choice for any of the Bucharest district organizations.

Article 9

The Local Directing Committee of the organization will submit each application for approval. The decision must be notified within 30 days from the application's registration date.

Subsequent to application approval, the petitioner becomes a member once he/she receives the member card, within five days from application approval.

The member card will be signed by the President of the County Directing Committee of the local organization or by the President of the District Directing Committee for Bucharest districts. A stamp of the organization will be applied on the card.

Member cards must receive new visas every four months.

Upon rejection of the application, the petitioner may appeal within 10 days from the rejection notification made by the County Directing Committee or the Bucharest Directing Committee. An answer must be issued by these entities within 30 days from the appeal registration. Their decision stays final.

Article 10

Cease of the member status takes place via:

  1. resignation;
  2. exclusion;
  3. registration with another party;
  4. losing the Romanian citizenship;
  5. occurring of incompatibilities under the terms of the Statute;
  6. death.

The member status ceases to exist immediately upon the occurrence of any of the situations stipulated in Art.10,
paragraphs a) to f).

Article 11

Resignation from the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR is made via a written request deposited, together with the member card, with the headquarters of the local organization that the member belongs to.

The resignation becomes effective once it is recorded by the local organization.

Article 12

For behavior against the principles and orientation of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR, as well as for not preserving the Statute, the Political Program, the functioning rules or the duties and decisions of the party leading structures, the members of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR may become subjects for the following penalties:

  1. written warning;
  2. suspension or revocation from the leading position held within the party;
  3. withdrawal of the political support;
  4. exclusion from the party.
Article 13

A decision of applying any of the sanctions stipulated in Art.12. will be issued by the Local Leading Council, upon the suggestion of the Local Directing Committee, for members of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR that do not hold leading positions within the party or public leading positions.

Similarly, a decision will be issued by the County Leading Council, upon proposal from the County Directing Committee, for members of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR that hold leading positions within the party at a local level or hold leading positions in the local public administration.

Similarly, a decision will be issued by the National Leading Council, upon proposal of the National Directing Committee, for members of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR that hold leading positions within the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR at county level or hold leading positions in the county public administration.

Finally, a decision of applying any of the sanctions stipulated in Art.12. will be issued by the National Leading Council for members of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR who hold leading positions within the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR at the national level or leading positions in the public central administration, as well as in the case of members of the Parliament.

Exceptionally, the National Directing Committee may decide to apply sanctions to any member of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR with immediate effect.

Article 14

Any decision to apply a sanction may be appealed within 15 days from the date it was notified to the Arbitration College, corresponding to the hierarchical level of the decision-maker.

The decision of the Arbitration College will be issued within 15 days from the date of registering the appeal; it may be subsequently appealed to the National Directing Committee. The decision of the National Directing Committee must be issued within 30 days from the appeal registration and stays final.

Article 15

Each member of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR has the following rights:

  1. to freely express his/her opinions within the party structures he belongs to, regardless the nature of the issue to be debated;
  2. to be informed about the activity of the organization he/she belongs to, about the decisions of the hierarchically higher structures and about the activity of the party representatives in the public administration;
  3. to access official documents and internal informative materials of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR;
  4. to take political initiatives or make suggestions for improving the activity of the organizational structure he/she belongs to;
  5. to participate in the decision making process within the organizational structures of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR, according to the competence level stipulated by the Statute;
  6. to elect and be elected within the leading structures of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR, at all hierarchical levels;
  7. to propose and be proposed as candidate on the electoral lists of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR for the local, parliamentary and presidential elections, provided he/she meets the legal requirements;
  8. to resign from the party at any moment, with immediate effect;
  9. to receive the full support of the party for carrying out his/her duties within the party, or duties that which derive from holding any position achieved due to the party's support.
Article 16

Each member of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR has the following duties:

  1. to preserve the laws of the country and have a dignified and civilized conduct in society;
  2. to know and preserve the provisions of the Statute and functioning rules of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR;
  3. to know the Political Program of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR and take action in order to implement its principles and objectives;
  4. to know the official documents and standpoints of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR and promote the concepts they contain in order to attract new members and increase the role of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR as a political decision-making factor, both locally and nationally;
  5. to fulfill his/her duties and preserve decisions made by the hierarchically higher structures;
  6. to preserve the confidential nature of the party's internal documents and information;
  7. to refrain from publicly express standpoints that seriously harm the party's activity or image and come against standpoints expressed by the leading structures of the party;
  8. to use the material resources of the party to which he/she is entitled by his/her position in the organizational structures, exclusively for the interest of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR;
  9. to take part, on a regular basis, in meetings and other activities of the organizational structures he/she is part of;
  10. to represent the views of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR while performing activity in any position acquired with the political support of the party;
  11. to regularly pay the membership fee, as well as the other contributions set by the competent bodies of the party.



Article 17

The Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR establishes operational structures throughout Romania, built on three different tiers:

Article 18

Below local organizations, party structures may be established for villages, voting units, neighborhoods.

Article 19

The smallest party structures may be legally constituted provided they have minimum 9 members. A higher number of members are required for higher tier organizations.

Article 20

The leading structures of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR for the local level are:

Article 21

The Local Convention includes all members of the local organization at the due time of call for Convention. It calls for a meeting once a year, as well as any time deemed as needed, following the request of the Local Directing Committee, the County Directing Committee or Bucharest Directing Committee, or the signed request of at least one third of an organization number of members.

Article 22

The President of the Local Directing Committee does calls for the Local Convention at least 10 days before the actual meetings. They are done in writing, to each member of the local organization, and by posting a note at the headquarters of the local organization.

Article 23

The Local Convention has the following main attributes:

  1. it elects members of the Local Directing Committee for 4 years and revokes them individually;
  2. it analyzes the activity of the Local Directing Committee and of the entire organization since the previous Local Convention, and approves the directives and action program for the next stage;
  3. it debates upon the financial administration report for the previous year, it approves the expenses and revenues budget for the next year and decides upon its execution;
  4. it approves or rejects the candidates proposed by the Local Directing Committee for the local elections;
  5. it takes all the necessary action for strengthening the organization and implementing the goals from the party Program, as well as from other official documents;
  6. it elects, by means of case-by-case selection, delegates for the County Leading Council or Bucharest Leading Council, to the extent of the representation norm set by the County Directing Committee or Bucharest Directing Committee.
Article 24

The Local Directing Committee includes five members:

Article 25

The Local Directing Committee meets twice a months and whenever needed, upon request from its president or upon request from at least 2 of its members.

Article 26

Call of the Local Directing Committee is done in writing, at least 5 days before the actual meeting, by the President of the Local Directing Committee, and by posting a note at the headquarters of the local organization.

Article 27

The mayor, the vice-mayor and the members of the Local Council in force are also called for the meeting of the Local Directing Committee, with consultative voting right, if they are members of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR and do not hold already other positions with the Local Directing Committee.

Article 28

The Local Directing Committee has the following main attributes:

  1. it organizes and performs the political activity of the party between two consecutive Local Conventions
  2. it organizes and runs the electoral campaign within its coverage area;
  3. it proposes, to the Local Convention, the candidates for the local elections;
  4. it appoints the manager of the local electoral campaign;
  5. it keeps track of the members and monitors the payment of fees and other contributions of the members;
  6. it decides upon the applications for membership in party's local organizations;
  7. it manages the assets and the financial and material resources of the local organization;
  8. it issues proposals to the County Leading Council or Bucharest Leading Council for applying sanctions to the party members of the local organizations in compliance with the provisions of Art.13. of the Statute;
  9. it coordinates the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR's representatives' activity within local public administration structures;
  10. it carries out duties and decisions of the hierarchically higher structures;
  11. it notifies the County Directing Committee or Bucharest Directing Committee upon events that took place and actions locally performed;
  12. it sets the hired staff structure for the operational needs of the local organization and employs or fires staff.
Article 29

The leading structures of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR at county level and Bucharest level are:

Article 30

The County Conventions and the Bucharest Convention include:


Article 31

The County Conventions or the Bucharest Convention calls for a meeting once a year and whenever deemed necessary, upon request of the County Directing Committees or the Bucharest Directing Committee, the National Directing Committee, or upon written request of at least one third of the local organizations.

The call for the County Convention or the Bucharest Convention is done in writing, at least 10 days before the meeting, by the President of the County Directing Committee or the Bucharest Directing Committee, and by posting an advertisement at the headquarters of the county organization.

Article 32

The County Conventions and the Bucharest Convention have the following main attributes:

  1. they elect members of the County Directing Committee or the Bucharest Directing Committee for 4 years time and revoke them, case-by-case;
  2. they elect individually members of the County or the Bucharest Arbitration College and members of the County or the Bucharest Auditing Commission for 4 years;
  3. they validate proposals for candidates during Parliamentary elections and forward them to the National Directing Committee;
  4. they analyze the activity of the County Directing Committee or the Bucharest Directing Committee and of the county branch since the previous County or Bucharest Convention, and approves the directives and action program for the next stage;
  5. they debate upon the Auditing Commission report for the previous year, and approve the execution of the budget and the action program for the next stage;
  6. they take necessary action for strengthening the organization and implementing the goals set by the party Program, as well as by other official documents;
  7. they adopt the design strategy for electoral campaign, both at county and Bucharest level;
  8. they approve the list of candidates during local elections for the county council.
Article 33

The County Leading Council and the Bucharest Leading Council include:

Article 34

The County Leading Councils and Bucharest Leading Council gather once a month and whenever necessary, upon request of the County Directing Committee or the Bucharest Directing Committee, of the National Directing Committee upon written request of at least one third of its members.

Article 35

The call for the County Leading Council or the Bucharest Leading Council is done in writing, at least 10 days before the meeting, by the President of the County Leading Council or the Bucharest Leading Council, and by posting an advertisement at the headquarters of the county or the Bucharest organization.

Article 36

The mayors, the vice-mayors, the prefect, the sub-prefect and the members of the Parliament in force who represent the county in question are also called for the meeting of the County Leading Council or the Bucharest Leading Council, with consultative voting right, if they are members of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR and do not hold already other positions with the County Leading Council or the Bucharest Leading Council.

Article 37

The County Leading Councils and the Bucharest Leading Council have the following main attributes:

  1. they adopt the strategy for the electoral campaign at county or Bucharest level;
  2. they elect and revoke the treasurer of the county or Bucharest branch for a time period of 4 years, upon proposal issued by the president of the County Directing Committee or the Bucharest Directing Committee;
  3. they elect, on a case-by-case basis, delegates to the National Convention, to the extent of the representation norm set by the National Leading Council;
  4. they decide upon applying sanctions to members of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR, as a result of the suggestions issued by the County Directing Committee, the Bucharest Directing Committee, or the component Local Directing Committees;
  5. they take measures for implementing the goals of the party Program and the strategy of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR;
  6. they carry out duties and decisions of the hierarchically higher leading structures.
Article 38

The County Directing Committee or Bucharest Directing Committee includes five members:

Article 39

The County Directing Committee and the Bucharest Directing Committee gather once a week and whenever necessary, upon request from its president, from the National Directing Committee or from at least two of its members.

Article 40

The treasurer of the county organization and the mayor of the county-capital city (if he is a member of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR), as well as any other member of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR who was invited by the committee, will take part in the meeting of the County Directing Committee or the Bucharest Directing Committee, with consultative voting right.

Article 41

The County Directing Committees and the Bucharest Directing Committee have the following main attributes:

  1. they design the strategy for the electoral campaign at county level, by complying with the campaign strategy of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR at national level;
  2. they coordinate the activity of the Local Directing Committees between the meetings of the County Leading Council or the Bucharest Leading Council;
  3. they set the number of delegates in the County Leading Council or Bucharest Leading Council for every local organization, in accordance to the representation norm;
  4. they appoint the manager for the electoral campaign at county or Bucharest level;
  5. they issue suggestions for applying sanctions to the members of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR, to the Leading Council, according to provisions of Art.13. of the Statute;
  6. they determine the structure of the staff employed for the operational needs of the county or Bucharest organization, and hire or fire staff;
  7. they manage the assets, the financial and material resources of the county organization;
  8. they design measures for implementing the goals of the party Program and the strategy of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR;
  9. they keep the National Directing Committee informed about the events that took place within the county;
  10. they generate lists of candidates during elections for the county council and forwards them to the County Convention or Bucharest Convention for validation;
  11. they propose candidates for the Parliamentary elections and forwards them to the County Convention or the Bucharest Convention for validation;
  12. they validate or invalidate results of the elections for Local Directing Committees within the county organizations or the Bucharest organization.
Article 42

The leading structures of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR at national level are:

Article 43

The National Convention is the supreme leading structure of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR and it is made of:

Article 44

The National Convention calls an ordinary meeting every 4 years and extraordinary meetings whenever necessary, upon request from the National Leading Council, the National Directing Committee or upon request from 21 county branches.

Article 45

The call for the National Convention is done in writing, at least 45 days before the ordinary meeting and at least 30 days before the extraordinary meetings, by the President of the National Directing Committee, and by posting an advertisement at the party headquarters.

Article 46

Guests invited by the National Directing Committee may take part to the meetings of the National Convention, without voting right.

Article 47

The National Convention has the following main attributes:

  1. it elects by teams (according to Art.67.) and revokes individually the members of the National Directing Committee for a time period of 4 years;
  2. it approves and modifies the Statute of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR;
  3. it approves and modifies the Political Program and the strategy for fulfilling its goals;
  4. it takes standpoints with respect to achieving the country's main interests;
  5. it forwards motions as recommendations for the future activity of the party;
  6. it decides upon the dissolution of the party.
Article 48

The National Leading Council includes:

  1. members of the National Directing Committee;
  2. members of the team that came second in the elections race for the National Directing Committee (according to Art.67.) if it received at least 15% of the total number of representative votes (according to Art.83.);
  3. the president of the National Arbitration College;
  4. the president of the National Auditing Commission;
  5. the treasurer;
  6. 19 regional representatives (according to Art.81. and Art.82.);
  7. the presidents of the first three county branches in terms of members numbers.
Article 49

The National Leading Council meets quarterly and any whenever necessary, upon request from the National Directing Committee, the president of the National Directing Committee or upon signed request of at least one third of its members.

Article 50

The call for the National Leading Council is done in writing, at least 10 days before the meeting, by the President of the National Directing Committee and by posting an advertisement at the party's headquarters.

Article 51

Members of the Cabinet and Parliament who are also members of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR, as well as the general mayor of Bucharest, if he is a member of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR and does not hold already a position in the National Leading Council, will take part in the meeting of the National Leading Council, with consultative voting right.

Article 52

The National Leading Council has the following main attributes:

  1. it takes measures for carrying out decisions of the National Convention;
  2. it coordinates the entire activity of the party between meetings of the National Convention;
  3. it approves the Governmental Program of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR;
  4. it debates upon the National Auditing Commission report, approves the expenses and revenues budget for the following year and decides upon its execution;
  5. it approves mergers and alliances with other political entities;
  6. it decides upon and modifies the name, electoral logo and sign of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR;
  7. it approves the setting up of publications for the party and for central analysis departments on different fields within the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR;
  8. it approves the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR candidates for Presidency and Prime Minister of Romania;
  9. it elects and revokes the President and the members of the National Auditing Commission;
  10. it elects and revokes the President and the members of the National Arbitration College;
  11. it elects and revokes the treasurer, upon proposal from the President of the National Directing Committee;
  12. it concludes the lists of candidates for the Parliamentary elections by proposal of the National Directing Committee;
  13. it decides upon applying sanctions to members of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR, according to provisions of Art.13. of the Statute;
  14. it approves internal operational regulations for the party structures;
  15. it sets the level of the monthly fee, as well as the contribution percentages from incomes of the members of the Parliament, State officials, Mayors and counselors members of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR;
Article 53

The National Directing Committee includes:

Article 54

The National Directing Committee meets once a week and whenever is necessary, upon request from the President of the National Directing Committee or upon request from at least two of its members.

Article 55

The treasurer of the party, as well as any other member of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR who was invited by the committee, will take part to the meeting of the National Directing Committee, with consultative voting rights.

Article 56

The National Directing Committee has the following main attributes:

  1. it coordinates the party activity between meetings of the National Leading Council;
  2. it makes official statements regarding the current political, social and economic events;
  3. it coordinates the activity Parliamentary groups of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR and the activity of the State officials members of the party;
  4. it secures continuous communications with the County Directing Committees or Bucharest Directing Committee related the current activity of the party;
  5. it negotiates alliances, mergers or cooperation protocols with other political entities and forwards the results of such negotiations for approval to the National Leading Council;
  6. it initiates and develops internal and international relations between the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR and other political parties, NGOs, unions, employers associations, etc.
  7. it runs and coordinates the electoral campaigns of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR for local, general and presidential elections, and appoints managers for each;
  8. it coordinates the activity of the central analysis departments of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR and appoints managers for these departments;
  9. it validates or invalidates the results of the elections for the County Directing Committees or Bucharest Directing Committee or the regional representatives for the National Leading Council;
  10. it appoints and revokes the party representatives in State central institutions, internal and international structures and organizations;
  11. it proposes candidates to the National Leading Council for the lists of candidates during Parliamentary elections;
  12. it suggests penalties to members of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR, according to provisions of Art.13. of the Statute; exceptionally, it may decide to suspend them from their positions until a decision of the National Leading Council is issued;
  13. it calls for the National Leading Council;
  14. it decides upon the structure of employed staff for the operational needs of the central structures and employs or fires staff;
  15. it generates the expenses and revenues budget, and submits it for approval to the National Leading Council;
  16. it manage the assets, the financial and material resources of the party's central structures;
  17. it appoints the spokesperson of the party;
  18. it issues the internal operational rules and norms for the structures of the party and submits them for approval to the National Leading Council.
Article 57

 The following structures are established, at central leadership of the party level, based on specific organizational and operational regulations:

Article 58

The National Arbitration College acts as supreme authority with all issues related to the preservation of the Statute, of the operational regulations, of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR members' discipline and morality.

The National Arbitration College performs its own activity and coordinates the activity of all County Arbitration Colleges, based on regulations approved by the National Leading Council.

Article 59

The National Auditing Commission attributes relate to checking and analyzing financial management of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR's assets and financial resources.

The National Auditing Commission performs its own activity and coordinates the activity of all County Auditing Commissions and Bucharest Auditing Commission, based on regulations approved by the National Leading Council.

Article 60

By decision of the National Leading Council, other central and local structures of the party may subsequently be established (e.g. analysis departments, youth structures, women structures, etc.); they will operate based on specific regulations issued by the National Directing Committee.


Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR

Article 61

The meetings of the different structures of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR are statutory constituted with a presence of half plus one of the component members.

Article 62

Local conventions for members of local organizations are statutory with a presence of at least half plus one of the members called upon for the first meeting, and become statutory regardless of presence for the second meeting.

Article 63

Votes are openly or secretly expressed, according to the provisions of the Statute, the operational regulations and provisions of the Law on Political Parties.

Article 64

Excepting elections for the leading bodies of the party, which are held by secret vote, all other decisions of the component structures of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR are taken by open vote.

Article 65

Excepting situations where the Statute stipulates otherwise, all decisions belonging to structures of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR are taken with a simple majority of half plus one of the number of present members; mandated individuals are considered present.

Article 66

Any member of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR may simultaneously hold maximum two leading positions within the party.

Leading positions are considered member positions within Directing Committees at every level.

Article 67

The candidatures for Directing Committees at all levels are deposited by means of 5 persons teams, one for each position (president, 3 vice-presidents - one of them acting as replacement of the president - and secretary).

Article 68

A member of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR may candidate with only one team for electing the Directing Committee at all levels.

Article 69

For the Directing Committees at all levels, if maximum two positions become vacant simultaneously, replacements will be appointed by the president of the Directing Committee within 10 days from vacancy occurrence.

If 3 or more positions become vacant, new elections will be organized within minimum 15 days and maximum 45 days for the Local, County or Bucharest Directing Committees and within minimum 60 days and maximum 90 days for the National Directing Committee.

Article 70

The winning team for the Local Directing Committee in the first election round will be declared the one which gets half plus one of the valid votes of those present during Local Conventions for elections.

If none of the teams gets the simple majority, a second election round will be organized, where the first two teams (in terms of number of votes) will participate; the winning team will be the one that gets more votes in the second election round

Article 71

During election meetings of the Local Directing Committee, a member of the County Directing Committee or the County Arbitration College, appointed by the County Directing Committee will participate, as observer.

Article 72

The candidate teams list for the Local Directing Committee will be closed 48 hours before the starting hour of the election meeting called for.

Article 73

To be accepted, a team candidature for the Local Directing Committee must be supported in writing by at least 5 members of the local organization, who were called for the election meeting and are not part of that team.

Article 74

A member of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR may support in writing only one team that candidates for the Local Directing Committee.

Article 75

The winning team for the County Directing Committee in the first election round will be declared the one which gets half plus one of the valid votes of those present during County Conventions for elections.
If none of the teams gets the simple majority, a second election round will be organized, where the first two teams (in terms of number of votes) will participate; the winning team will be the one that gets more votes in the second election round.

Article 76

During election meetings of the County Directing Committee, a member of the National Directing Committee or the National Arbitration College, appointed by the National Directing Committee will participate, as observer.

Article 77

The candidate teams list for the County Directing Committee will be closed 48 hours before the starting hour of the election meeting called for.

Article 78

To be accepted, a team candidature for the County Directing Committee must be supported in writing by at least 15 members of the County Convention, who were called for the election meeting and are not part of that team.

Article 79

A member of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR may support in writing only one team that candidates for the County Directing Committee.

Article 80

In order to establish the composition of the National Leading Council, county branches of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR will establish six Romanian regions, as follows:

  1. The Banat-Crisana-Maramures region, made of 7 counties: Maramures, Bihor, Satu Mare, Arad, Timis, Caras-Severin and Hunedoara.
  2. The Ardeal region, made of 9 counties: Salaj, Bistrita Nasaud, Cluj, Alba, Sibiu, Mures, Harghita, Covasna, Brasov.
  3. The Moldova regiona, made of 8 counties: Suceava, Botosani, Neamt, Iasi, Bacau, Vaslui, Vrancea, Galati.
  4. The Oltenia region, made of 8 counties: Mehedinti, Gorj, Dolj, Valcea, Olt, Arges, Teleorman, Giurgiu.
  5. The Muntenia region, made of 8 counties: Prahova, Buzau, Ialomita, Calarasi, Braila, Tulcea, Constanta.
  6. The Bucharest region, made of Bucharest City and Sectorul Agricol Ilfov.
Article 81

Each region, except Bucharest, gives 3 representatives for the National Leading Council. They are:

Article 82

Bucharest region gives 4 representatives in the National Leading Council. They are:

Article 83

A system of representative votes for the county branches will be used for the works of the National Convention. The total 301 representative votes (equaling the number of delegates) will be distributed according to the representation norm set by the National Directing Committee, prior to the call for the National Convention, and will be notified upon, in writing, during the call.

Article 84

For the National Directing Committee, the candidate teams are made of 5 individuals (for all the positions in the committee: president, 3 vice-presidents - one of them acting as replacement of the president - and secretary general); a team candidature must be proposed in writing by at least 6 regional representatives (out of the total number of 19); teams of candidates are secretly voted by all party members in each county; the team that gets the largest number of votes in a county gets all the representative votes for that county; the team that gets the largest number of representative votes (out the total number of 301) in the National Convention wins the leadership of the party.

Article 85

Elections for the National Directing Committee are held at the headquarters of each local organization where sealed ballot boxes are placed. The voting is done within one single day in all the local organizations in the country.
An observer that was delegated by the County Directing Committee, member of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR in that county, and who is not a member of the local organization in question will be present during the entire voting day at the headquarters of each local organization.

The unsealing of the ballot boxes and the counting of the votes will be done by the local commission for vote counting, after the time set for closing the ballot boxes, at the quarters of each local organization, in the presence of the observer who must certify in writing the correctness of the voting process and its result.

The next day, the vote ballots together with the voting results in the local organizations are centralized at the quarters of the county branch or Bucharest branch where the county commission for vote counting will validate the results in the county, designating the team which got the biggest number of votes and which consequently receives the total number of representative votes in that county.

The centralization, validation and designation processes in every county branch or Bucharest branch necessarily have to be attended by an observer delegated by the National Directing Committee who is a member of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR and who is not a member of the county branch in question.

The counting of the representative votes at national level and the designation of the winning team are done in the National Convention, where every president of county organization allocates the number of representative votes in his county to the team which got the biggest number of votes from the members of the county organization he runs.

Article 86

All members of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR will be notified in writing upon the elections date for the National Directing Committee by the National Directing Committee in force, at least 60 days before the elections day.

The list of team candidatures for the National Directing Committee will be closed 30 days before the date of elections.

Article 87

The representative vote system will be used for decisions taken during the works of the National Convention.

For any issue subjected to voting, delegates with voting rights from every county branch will first vote individually.

The decision that gets the largest number of votes within the branch becomes the branch decision.

The winning decision will receive all the representative votes in that county branch.

For completing the voting procedure, presidents of each county branch or Bucharest branch will allocate representative votes of their branch to the winning decision.

The decision with the largest number of votes becomes the decision of the National Convention.


Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR

Article 88

The Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR may own tangible and intangible assets for performing its activity.

Article 89

Financing sources for the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR are:

  1. monthly fees paid by the party members;
  2. donations and legations;
  3. income from own activities;
  4. subsidies from the state budget, according to the annual budget law;
  5. other sources, according to the law.
Article 90

Cashing in and payment operations will be done via bank accounts in domestic or foreign currency, opened with banks headquartered in Romania, according to the law.

Article 91

The percentages and distribution, among hierarchical levels, of fees, of other financial contributions from party members as well as of other income are set by decision of the National Leading Council.

Article 92

The Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR does not perform commercial activities, except the following situations:

  1. editing, publishing and distributing publications or other materials for promoting its own political culture;
  2. internal services;
  3. renting premises for conferences and other events;
  4. cultural, sports and entertainment activities;
  5. selling its own assets, except those received as donations from abroad;
  6. bank interests.
Article 93

The income from budget subsidies may have the following destinations:

  1. expenses for the maintenance and functioning of the headquarters;
  2. staff expenses;
  3. advertising and promotion expenses;
  4. expenses for organizing activities of political nature;
  5. travel expenses;
  6. telecommunication expenses;
  7. expenses for delegations (trips) abroad.
Article 94

The National Directing Committee of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR designates a financial assignee, according to the law, during the local, parliamentary and presidential electoral campaigns.



Article 95

The Statute of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR is compulsory for all members and all branches of the party.

Article 96

The local, county or Bucharest branches may open bank accounts, according to the law, and they are responsible for their administration.

Article 97

The executive structures of the party at central, county or local level may set up associations or foundations for achieving the aim and goals of the party, by preserving the legislation in force.

Article 98

The member status in the Arbitration Colleges or Auditing Commissions is incompatible with the status of member in the Directing Committees, regardless of the level.

Article 99

Within 6 months from the official registration of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR, the National Leading Council will submit for approval the internal organizational and functioning regulations of the party, designed by the National Directing Committee.

Article 100

The Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR may cease its activity by:

  1. self-dissolution decided by the National Convention of the party;
  2. dissolution decided by a court of law or by the Constitutional Court;
  3. a decision of the Bucharest Court of Law, as a consequence of ascertaining inactivity, according to Art.31. of the Law on Political Parties.