Union for Reconstruction of Romania - URR
Uniunea pentru Reconstrucția României - URR
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Motorul de căutare: ht://Dig $(VERSION)
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  1. Check the spelling.
  2. With the all Option you'll get results only from documents that contain all the words. The any Option generates results for all documents having at least one of the searched words. Using the logical Option you can create a logical expression with the words you want and the operators and, or and not.
  3. By choosing the extended Result each search result will be presented with the document title, the score in (max.5) for the relevance ant the context, location date and size of the document. The shortly Result will display only the title of the document and the score.
  4. You can use Sort to have the documents presented in the right order; by relevance - score - in (max.5). The next two option for sort regards the posting date - recent will start with the newest ones, historical with the oldest ones.


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regarding this site? Send it to webmaster@urr.ro
