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2002 finacial report
07 08 09 10 11 12
September,19th - 21st, 2003

The Meeting of the National Leading Council in Timisoara

The 6th meeting of the National Leading Council took place in Timisoara between the 19th and 21st of September and gathered approximately 40 representatives of the URR organizations and initiative groups from all over the country.

Friday night, the host of the meeting, the local URR Timisoara organization organized a reception to which attended as well as URR members, as well as representatives of the local authorities, political parties and mass media. The reception took place in a warm, friendly environment, and represented a good occasion of interacting and knowing a part of the problems and realities Timisoara is facing and in the meantime a step forward for the URR in developing a constructive dialogue with the local representatives of different branches, present at this event.

The work session started on Saturday morning; after a brief introduction of the new initiative groups representatives opened in Pitesti, Bailesti and Craiova to the other participants, the URR president, Cosmin Alexandru opened the works by approaching a controversial subject, following a proposition that came to us: the likely fusion / alliance with the Christian Popular Party - PPC run by Vasile Lupu. After discussions and debates where each participant presented the organization's he is representing point of view the proposition of continuating discussions with PPC was submitted to the vote. With an important majority of votes the final decision was to end continuating discussing with PPC on this subject.

The president of URR Cluj, Nagy Zoltan continued the meeting by presenting the participants his impressions gathered after joining the FIDESZ representatives in Budapesta. Cosmin Alexandru, Diana Calfa and Ciprian Siulea participated to the FIDESZ meeting, as the URR commission. Among the FIDESZ representatives the URR commission meet one can nominate the agriculture commission president, the chief of the external politics and the vice-president of the FIDESZ parliamentarian group, representatives of the financing budget commission, etc. Members of the delegation shared the participants some of their experience and information gathered throughout this meeting and described to them the FIDESZ evolution, the different ways and strategies through which this party became a majority party in the Hungarian government during 1998 - 2002, as well as their experience of the latest elections when they lost for the MFD Hungarian socialist party with only 1%.

The first half of the day ended with a brief presentation of the general secretary, Diana Calfa linked to the results gained after beginning to implement the developing plan made by the national team of the URRnitorilor (those that start things) as well as the next steps that will be taken in this direction.

After lunch, armed with full strength, the attendants debated and confirmed the final shape of the Organizing and Internal Functioning of the Rulebook. Continuing this subject, Diana Calfa presented the calendar and the mechanism of internal elections because during the next period there will be internal elections to all levels. This event will secure to the party a Leading chosen through democratically vote and representing a sign of maturity and of URR passing in another stage of development.

The guest of the meeting was the vice-mayor of Timisoara, Mr. Adrian Orza. For an hour we had the opportunity of asking questions and of finding out many interesting and useful about the challenges and obstacles the representatives of the town hall overcame, considering the local and national decision factors, just as of finding out why and how did Timisoara managed to be throughout time in the top of the most successful models of Leading of the community money.
Saturday ended with the debate and the validation of the measurements proposals and priorities of URR within the fields of: justice, health and agriculture.

At the end of the day the party's president, Cosmin Alexandru awarded the Top Reconstructor distinction (Top Rebuilt) to the CDL member who was remarked during this period trough his activity sustained and his initiatives in URR development. This time, the award went to the Cluj URR president, Nagy Zoltan who was very surprised and deeply touched…

Sunday started with a presentation held by Carmen Stoica, the treasury-secretary of the Iasi URR, its topic being the relation between leadership and financial intelligence. Narcis Semeniuc, the president of the URR initiative group of district 4 made a presentation regarding the possible organizatorial developing solutions.

To the end of the Timisoara meeting a series of questions and answers where the members of the National Leading Committee answered to the questions that came from the participants' side.

To complete the description of this meeting, we are offering you a few photos and a few words: it was very beautiful and the work sessions' results were, likely, good! :-)



















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