Union for Reconstruction of Romania - URR
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Nicholson's Reports On Romania - 2004
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2002 finacial report
07 08 09 10 11 12

Monthly Report

December, 2003



In December the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR focused on preparing the first National Convention. This was held during the 6-th and the 7-th of December, 2003 and consisted of: a private session (on the 6-th) where the URR representatives and delegations of all over the country debated and validated the political program, the strategy and the new URR statute and a public session (on the 7-th), session having as participants both the URR members and guests and mass-media. Details regarding the URR National Convention one can find by accessing the: http://www.urr.ro/ro/actiune/int-conf/bucuresti/relatare.shtml.


Current information:

  • Local URR organizations;
  • News on the www.urr.ro site;
  • The URR activity reflected in mass media;
  • The positioning of www.urr.ro in top;
  • Feedback.


Local URR organizations


On December the 11th the local URR Craiova organization was launched. URR held a press conference on this occasion. The same day, the URR general secretary, Diana Calfa, along with the URR Craiova President, Daniel Botea attended the live show "Strict Secret" of the 3 TV Craiova television.


On the Romania National Day, December 1-st, the URR members of Cluj and Alba Iulia, led by Nicolae Bocsa started a campaign of distributing URR fliers, having as motto "Hai sa ne URRnim cu tara!"


The same day, the URR members of Cluj, Oana Morar and Oana Olar, along with the URR Cluj president, Mircea Oltean distributed over 2.000 fliers in mid center of Cluj with the occasion of the Union Day.


On December the 15-th URR Cluj held a press conference where the Cluj leaders presented the URR political program and the URR politics regarding the mass media.


URR Brasov organized on December the 12-th a press conference. The URR Brasov leader, Radu Mitrea presented a resume of the National Convention, as well as a few information linked to the URR Brasov participation to the local elections.


In December the local URR Arad organization founded two new local organizations: URR Socodor and URR Pecica. The URR members of Arad organized a public debate having as subject the parking system of Arad (Parktronic); several citizens, representatives of some taxi association, the mayor of Arad and local councilors attended to this debate.


The management of URR Oradea local organization launched on Sunday, the 14-th of December, 2003 the local Vadu Crisului organization.


Between 18-th and 24-th of December all URR local organizations started a door - to - door campaign by distributing fliers and greetings cards for the winter holidays that were to come.


News on the www.urr.ro site


December enriched the URR web site with:



The URR activity reflected in mass media


The URR activity in December was reflected in the central and local press by being mentioned in numerous articles that had as central theme the National Convention, the URR political program, the actions and the activities developed by local organizations during this period. On a central level we issued a single press release: "The Common Sense Revolution".


After attending the URR National Convention, prestigious culture personalities like Gabriel Liiceanu, Andrei Plesu and Horia Roman Patapievici presented to the mass media their impressions about the event organized by URR, as well as the URR significance for them. One can see their statements at:http://www.urr.ro/ro/actiune/int-conf/bucuresti/relatare.shtml.


Some of the articles as well as the press releases are presented on the www.urr.ro site, Media section.


The www.urr.ro positioning in top


In December, the URR site occupied the 4-th and the 5-th place on www.trafic.ro, the Political section.


The number of the site visitors was of 7.174 and the number of visuals was of 123.302, making it the most visited site of a political party in Romania.


Feed back


We are waiting for your opinions and comments regarding this report on the contact@urr.ro address.


Meanwhile, we have to thank all those who hosted the URR banner on their sites, once again expressing their desire of helping us.


Any information the local press is writing about us is very useful to us.


You can send it to us by writing to the revistapresei@urr.ro address.




All the best,

Cosmin Alexandru, President

The Union of The Reconstruction of Romania - URR


Do you have an ideea, sugestion, or request
regarding this site? Send it to webmaster@urr.ro
