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Nicholson's Reports On Romania - 2004
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2002 finacial report
07 08 09 10 11 12

Monthly Report

February, 2003



February was dedicated to the enforcement of the URR structures. Thus the URR activity focused on the development of the Local Organizations. The main activities developed were:

  • To continue the URR re-enlistment campaign according to the new Political Parties Law;
  • To support on the URR behalf the mayor Traian Basescu campaign "DA (YES) for Bucharest";
  • Meetings between leaders of URR organizations;
  • Changes in the structure of the CDL Cluj;
  • URR projects and local actions;
  • News on the www.urr.ro site.


Current information:
  • The URR activity reflected in mass media;
  • The www.urr.ro positioning in top;
  • Feedback.


URR support to the mayor Traian Basescu campaign "DA (YES) for Bucharest"


The Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR sustained the Bucharest citizens consulting campaign initiated by the mayor of Bucharest, Traian Basescu. The questions were about the BEI credits for the city's modernization, credits that the PSD councilors turned down. The URR Bucharest members gathered signatures for the campaign started by Traian Basescu. We decided to support this campaign because whenever the governing party chooses the unusual way of promoting itself stepping on the votants' interests the parties concurrency notion becomes irrelevant: each party has the duty of supporting the fundamental principle of the modern politics, which is that the parties should offer a good-will leading act, the concurrency between them being the very essential mechanism that leads to the improvement of the governing quality.


Meetings of the URR organization leaders


Cosmina Alexandru, Diana Uriciuc and Adrian Pop - the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania leaders were in Cluj Napoca during the 21-st - 23-rd of February and they meet with all the leaders of the local organizations of the country. The subjects of the Cluj meeting were: the local organizations activity, the territorial developing strategies, raising signatures for the re-enlistment of the party, difficulties and opportunities met in increasing the party. On this occasion, to Cosmin Alexandru, the party president was being interviewed by the local Antena 1 and the newspaper "Evenimentul Zilei" of Cluj Napoca.


Changes in the Cluj Napoca CDL structure


February coincided with some changes in the CDL leading component structure of the Local Cluj Napoca Organization. Amenofis Vidam, the treasury secretary of CDL Cluj Napoca resigned from his function. The new elected leader as treasury secretary is Doru Bolos. One can find more details regarding Doru Bolos, the new treasury secretary of Cluj, the page of Local Cluj Napoca organization of the site.


Local projects and actions


Cluj Napoca


Nagy Zoltan, Alin Gavriliu, Anca Popescu, Doru Bolos and Mihaela Banciu, five members of the Cluj Napoca URR organized a meeting with the representatives of the civil society: ARC, The Sirois Foundation (Conex), The Romanian Children Foundation, Community and Family, Caritas. Within these meetings the URR members of Cluj introduced the "payroll giving". By applying this concept URR Cluj Napoca wishes to make an example of commercial society's social involvement in the community.


The "It's up to you" project which was launched in October entered a new developing stage. The www.delacluj.ro site was being up-dated. Don't forget to visit it so you can admire its new interface and thus seeing this project's results.


URR Cluj Napoca hosted for three days the meeting of the national organization and the local branches.




The "Serving the community" project launched starting with February the 1st continued, having a huge success. Nowadays, to the initiation course in using the computer are attending 125 children, the course period being of 2 months.




URR Constanta changed its location in February. The new address as well as the contact data one can find visiting our site, the organization page.


Local URR Organizations


Each week the Local Managing Committees meet different organizations members and adherents and discussed over the projects ideas and the future activity of local organizations. The raising signatures campaign continued still in February.


News on the www.urr.ro site


February enriched the URR web site with:


  • The URR re-enlistment documents
  • The publishing of materials linked to the current activity


The URR activity reflected in mass media:


In February the URR activity was reflected in 16 articles of the written press. Of these 13 articles are in the local press and one in the "Actualitatea" - a Canadian magazine. We issued 8 press releases through which we are making our position towards the government known. The press releases and the articles are presented on the www.urr.ro site, the Media section.


Nagy Zoltan, the president of the local URR Cluj organization participated to two talk shows in Cluj: one for Antena 1 Cluj and the second for TVR 2 - within the Hungarian language show.


The positioning of www.urr.ro in top


During the month of February the URR site remained in top, occupying the 7-th and the 8-th position on the www.traffic.ro, Political section.


Feed back


We are waiting for your opinions and comments regarding this report on the contact@urr.ro address.


Meanwhile, we have to thank all those who hosted the URR banner on their sites, once again expressing their desire of helping us.


Any information the local press is writing about us is very useful to us.


You can send it to us by writing to the revistapresei@urr.ro address.



All the best,

Cosmin Alexandru, President

The Union of The Reconstruction of Romania - URR


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