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Nicholson's Reports On Romania - 2004
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2002 finacial report
07 08 09 10 11 12

Monthly Report

April, 2003



April was again dedicated to the strengthening of the URR structures. Thus the URR activity concentrated on the development of the Local Organizations and of opening some new Initiative Groups in different cities.


The main activities developed were:
  • To continue the campaign for the re-enlistment of URR according to the new Political Parties Law;
  • New local initiative groups;
  • A pragmatic vision upon the Romanian culture;
  • Local URR Organizations;
  • News on the web.


Current information:
  • The URR activity reflected in mass media;
  • The www.urr.ro positioning in top;
  • Feedback.


New Local Initiative Groups


During April, Diana Uriciuc, the general secretary of the URR attended many meetings with Initiative Groups and the URR sympathizers of Oradea, Miercurea Ciuc and Targu Mures in view of continuing the URR territorial development process.


Local URR Organizations


During the 4-th - 6-th of April the presidents of the local organizations and of the initiative groups met for a National Conference in Moneasa.


The local URR Constanta organization held in April its first project. Namely, the project was a session of trainings on Human Resources topics having as target small and medium-size enterprises. Major problems the businessed of Constanta are facing were identified as an output of these courses. This action was just the first step URR Constanta is making to improve the business people abilities.


The local Iasi URR Organization was represented by its leaders, Ionut Nechita, Ciprian Mitoseriu and Anca Macrescu to a series of sessions dedicated to debating and finding solutions for the disastrous situation of the sanitary system. Numerous representatives of different sanitary institutions, non-governmental organizations of the field got involved in this action; URR Iasi was the only political party involved.


The local Cluj Napoca URR Organization, through its leaders, Mihaela Banciu and Zoltan Nagy, attended a symposium on the theme "Morale in politics", thus responding to an invitation that came from the Group for moral - political reflections. The event was attended by leaders of opinion: representatives of non-governmental organizations, university teachers, representatives of the Orthodoxy and Greco - Catholicism, representatives of mass-media, politicians and UBB Cluj-Napoca students. Mihaela Banciu presented URR as "the other" alternative to the show and to the actors that exist on the political Romanian scene.


The 2-nd district organization of Bucharest, under their vice-president Razvan Stoenescu's leadership, started this month the project "For a decent business environment". The project is meant to discover obstacles and difficulties faced by the societies of Bucharest in developing their activity.


News on the web


April enriched the URR site with:


  • The local URR organizations presidents in Moneasa
  • A pragmatic vision upon the Romanian culture
  • The publication of materials linked to the current activity.


The URR activity reflected in mass-media


In April the URR activity was reflected in 20 articles of the central press as well in a few local publications of Petrila, Cluj, Iasi. We issued 8 press communicates where we made ourselves heard regarding the government activity as well as regarding the press conference held by URR and regarding the joining of Mr. Rebengiuc to the URR team. All articles and press communicates are presented on the www.urr.ro site, the Media section: http://www.urr.ro/ro/media/presa/2003/04.shtml.


On the 17-th of April during a URR press conference held at the Prometheus Club, the URR president Cosmin Alexandru announced the fact that Mr. Rebengiuc joined the URR team as full member; likewise, he presented the URR vision upon the Romanian culture. Mr. Victor Rebengiuc talked about the present situation and the eventual reform measurements of the Romanian theatres. You can visualize the press conference transcript as well as the "Pragmatic vision upon the Romanian culture".


On the 17-th of April the newspaper "Buna ziua, Ardeal" published an interview with the URR Cluj leaders, Zoltan Nagy and Mihaela Banciu.


The positioning of www.urr.ro in top


During the month of April the URR site remained in top, occupying the 5th and the 6th position on the www.trafic.ro, Political section.


The number of the site visitors passed 6.100 with over 44.000 visuals.


Feed back


We are waiting for your opinions and comments regarding this report on the contact@urr.ro address.


Meanwhile, we have to thank all those who hosted the URR banner on their sites, once again expressing their desire of helping us.


Any information the local press is writing about us is very useful to us.


You can send it to us by writing to the revistapresei@urr.ro address.



All the best,

Cosmin Alexandru, President

The Union of The Reconstruction of Romania - URR


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regarding this site? Send it to webmaster@urr.ro
