Monthly Report
October, 2003
Internal elections took place in October within all local party organizations. Since this was the first time the elections preparations took quite some time because every procedure necessary to the development of the internal elections needed to be followed by the book. Besides elections we will present some activities that took place on a local level.
Current information:
- The URR activity reflected in the media
- The positioning of in top
- Feedback
Local URR Organizations
On the 25th and the 26th of October elections took place in all local URR organizations. The structure of the newly chosen URR local organizations will soon be posted on the site by our webmaster.
The URR Cluj leaders, Mircea Popescu and Mihaela Banciu were chosen by the student organization AIESEC Cluj as members in their Guidance Council.
On the 21st of October the CDL Cluj members met the representatives of the “Luna Amara” group to discuss a future collaboration.
The URR Cluj local organization held a press conference on the 27th of October; the main themes of the conference were the presentation of the new management team of the URR Cluj organization and the party’s political program. Articles about the event were present in the mass media of Cluj, for the next two days.
On the celebration of Oradea’s day the URR members of Oradea distributed URR fliers. URR Oradea organized in October a press conference where Daniel Popa, the president of the organization presented the URR proposals in the Health department. The Sanitas leader, Mr. Iona Giurgiu attended the conference. The URR Oradea representatives, Daniel Popa and Nicolae Mal attended a student conference at the Polytechnic University on the 15th October.
The secretary-treasury of the organization, Nicolae Mal attended as a guest a debate organized by the APD, regarding the relevance of the right and of the left in local politics.
Mr. Victor Rebengiuc, member of the local URR organization of the Sector 1, Bucharest met the leaders of the local organizations of Oradea and Cluj and planed for his next visits to Cluj and Oradea to meet also the adherents and the members of the URR organizations.
News on the site
October has brought:
- the Bran meeting
- the new attitude that is referring to the subject of the referendum organized in order to vote the Constitution
- the open letter addressed to the Parliament and to the Romanian Government
- the book of the month: “Adrian Nastase – arrogance treaty”
- the publishing of materials linked to the current activity
The Reflection of URR activity in the mass-media
The URR activity of October was reflected in the central and local press through over 20 articles. On a central level we transmitted 5 press communicates. Part of the articles, as well as press communicates are presented on the site, the Media section.
In October the local organizations of Timisoara, Cluj and Oradea held press conferences, events that were widely reflected in the local media.
The URR Position in
In September, the URR site occupied the 4th and the 5th place on, the Political section.
The number of the site visitors was of 3.919, the registering a raise of 141,8 %.
Feed back
We are waiting for your opinions and comments linked to this report at
Meanwhile, we would like to thank those that have posted the URR banner on their sites, thus expressing once again their will of helping us in this way.
We appreciate any information linked to what the local press is writing about us.
You can send them to us by writing to
All the best,
Cosmin Alexandru, President
The Union of The Reconstruction
of Romania - URR