Union for Reconstruction of Romania - URR
Uniunea pentru Reconstrucția României - URR
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Nicholson's Reports On Romania - 2004
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01 02 03 04 05 06
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07 08 09 10 11 12
01 02 03 04 05 06
07 08 09 10 11 12
2002 finacial report
07 08 09 10 11 12

Monthly Report

May, 2003


In May, the main events were:

  • The continuation of the campaign for re-registering of the URR, according to the new law of the Political Parties
  • The national meeting of the URR National Managing Council
  • A new political aproach towards the Hungarian minority of Romania
  • The URR local organization
  • News on the web


Current information

  • The URR activity reflected in the media
  • The positioning of www.urr.ro in top
  • Feedback

The National Meeting of the URR National Managing Council

Starting the 9th and ending the 11th of May the local organizations' presidents and the initiative groups presidents meet at a national conference at Miercurea Ciuc. More information regarding these topics one can find at:

A new political aproach towards the Hungarian minority of Romania

On May the 15th at the Prometheus Club, during a press conference the leaders Cosmin Alexandru - president, Adrian Pop - vicepresident and Nagz Zoltan - president of the URR Cluj revealed the URR aproach regarding the Hungarian minority of Romania. They presented the mass media seven solid  propositions destined to reset on a normal path the Romanian - Hungarian relationships, as well to weep out the discrimations preserved in the most visible and perseverant way by the members of the government - both the former ones, as well as the present ones. Likewise, on this occasion, Cosmin Alexandru announced the launch of the web page of the www.urr.ro site in Hungarian, URR being the first political party, with the exception of UDMR, to have ever created a Hungarian version of the official internet page of the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania.

The URR proposals regarding this subject and the press release of this occasion can be accesesd at:


The Local URR Organizations

The URR Local  Constanta Organization finished the first project dedicated to the IMM (Small and Medium Enterprises). The conclusions and the results gained after the deroulment of this project were reflected in the local media through the help of ProFm Constanta, Constanta Radio, Mix Radio, Sky Radio.

The URR Local Petrila Organization developped a project dedicated to the improvement of their city's image. Thus, members of URR Petrila painted the monument of the center of the town, the "Lacrima de Copil" obelisk - a representative symbol for the local community.

The district organizations of Bucarest, initiated by the District 2 members continued the project "For a Decent Business Environment".

News on the web

May has enriched the URR web site with:

  • The launch of the www.urr.ro site in Hungarian language
  • The meeting of the National Managing Council
  • The path to narmality - a new political aproach towards the Hungarian minority of Romania
  • The publishing of materials linked to the current activity.

The URR Activity Reflected in the Mass - Media

In May, the URR activity was reflected in over 20 articles of the central written press as well in many local publications of Cluj Napoca, Timisoara, Buzau. We broadcasted 8 press comunicates through which we made heard our position regarding the activity of the members of the government. Articles and communicates are presented on the www.urr.ro site, the Media section:


As a consequence of the press conference having as subject the URR aproach to the Hungarian minority of Romania, articles linked to this thema appeared in different local newspapers of Cluj, as: Kronika, Szabadsag, Transindez, The Clujeanul Newspaper. The subject was assumed by the Radio Romania Cluj, too, through a news and an interview given by the president of the Cluj URR, Nagy Zoltan, to a Hungarian show.

The main newspapers of Timisoara in which articles about URR apeared were: Agenda Zilei, Ziua de Vest, Jurnalul Banatean.

At the Europa Libera Radio, Gabriel Andreescu, an important member of the civil society of Romania analysed and saluted the URR propositions regarding the Hungarian minority of Romania.

Articles and communicates are being presented on the www.urr.ro site, Media section:


The URR Position in top

The URR site maintained his position in top, occupying the 6th - 7th on www.trafic.ro, Politics section.

The unique / day visitors number was of 5.274 with 37.567 visualizations.

Feed back

We are waiting for your opinions and your comment on this report to the address contact@urr.ro

We like to thank all those that have posted the URR banner on their sites, thus expressing once again their desire of helping us.

Any information linked to what the local media is writing about us are useful.

You can send us by writing to the revistapresei@urr.ro address.



All the best,

Cosmin Alexandru, President

The Union of The Reconstruction of Romania - URR


Do you have an ideea, sugestion, or request
regarding this site? Send it to webmaster@urr.ro
