Union for Reconstruction of Romania - URR
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2002 finacial report
07 08 09 10 11 12

Monthly Report

June, 2003


In June, the main events were:

  • The Re-registering of The Union for the Reconstruction of Romania – URR
  • Local URR organizations
  • Web novelties


Current information

  • The URR activity reflected in the media
  • The positioning of www.urr.ro in top
  • Feedback

The Re-registering of URR

Monday, the 23rd June, the URR President, Cosmin Alexandru, along with the General Secretary, Diana Calfa registered at the Bucharest Court of Justice the necessary documents that URR needed in order to re-register as a political party, accordingly to the law 14 of January, 2003.

The Local URR Organizations

Ten of the district organizations of Bucharest attended on Saturday, the 21st June, 2003 to a Communication training held by NDI.


Within the program "Women can succeed" started by the "Equal chances to women" foundation, the URR leaders Aurora Patrascoiu, Anca Fodi, Corina Blezu (Bucuresti), Carmen Stoica, Anca Macrescu (Iasi), Mihaela Banciu, Kinga Fekete (Cluj), Cristina Cretu, Migladia Amet (Constanta) attended, in different locations a training of developing shapers linked to the women involvement in politics.


Kinga Fekete, the treasury-secretary of the URR Cluj organization attended on June, 6th the "Youth and the European Integration" organized by the NATO House and the "Babes Bolyai" University.

Web Novelties - what's new on www.urr.ro

The month of June is enriching the URR site with:


  • The campaign of URR re-registering, the map of Romania with the number of signatures raised on each district
  • The presentation of the "Administration Mammoth" - an attitude that is telling us all about the controversial governmental reorganization
  • The publication of different materials linked to the current activity

The URR Activity Reflected in the Mass - Media

During the month of June the URR activity was reflected in over 15 articles of the written central and locale press.


We issued 11 press releases through which we made our position towards the government members heard.


The URR Position in top

The URR site kept its top position, placing itself on the 8th place on www.trafic.ro, Politics section.

The number of single time / daily visitors was of 4.900 consisting of 37.402 visuals.

Feed back

We are waiting for your opinions and your comment on this report to the address contact@urr.ro

We like to thank all those that have posted the URR banner on their sites, thus expressing once again their desire of helping us.

Any information linked to what the local media is writing about us are useful.

You can send us by writing to the revistapresei@urr.ro address.



All the best,

Cosmin Alexandru, President

The Union of The Reconstruction of Romania - URR


Do you have an ideea, sugestion, or request
regarding this site? Send it to webmaster@urr.ro
