Union for Reconstruction of Romania - URR
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2002 finacial report
07 08 09 10 11 12

Monthly Report

July, 2003


At the celebration of 1 year from the URR launch the main events developed in the month of July were entirely dedicated to the URR promotion, as to the continuous internal development of the URR organizations and initiative groups.

The main events were as follows:

  • URR -1 year from launching
  • Territorial development
  • Local URR Organizations
  • News on the web


Current information:

  • The URR activity reflected in the media
  • The positioning of www.urr.ro in top
  • Feedback


URR - one year after the launch

Last year, on July 10th, URR made his public appearance by an article and an editorial in the "Evenimentul Zilei" newspaper. One year from birth, the URR president, Cosmin Alexandru synthesized with the help of a long open letter the main URR achievements and actions throughout the first year of existence. Altogether, in the letter we tried to describe our feelings, what obstacles did we overcome linked to the political demarche we have initiated, what were our expectations one year ago at the start of the road and how do we see things after this first step.


With this occasion, a great majority of the URR organizations realized campaigns for extending the URR visibility by teams of URR members, easy to recognize because of their URR T-shirts, distributing fliers. The T-shirts messages, young, with a content that urged to carrying, were unmistakable of the URR style?. "URRneste-te!" ("Come on!"), URRmeaza-ne, daca vrei sa conteze / URRgent, daca vrei sa dURReze!" ("Follow us, if you want to matter / HURRry up, if you want to last!").

The Territorial Development

On July, the 29th, Diana Calfa, the URR general secretary met the URR sympathizers of Miercurea Ciuc. As a consequence of this meeting, in August there will be launches the Miercurea Ciuc URR local organization. For making the territorial development more efficient, there was created a team of "URRnitori" ("come on-errs") that will support Diana in this action.

The Local URR Organizations

The URR members, Cosmin Alexandru, Adrian Pop and Zoltan Nagy attended for a day the ninth edition of the Summer University of Balvanyos, The Tusnad Spa. In the evening they met the FIDESZ vice-president, Memeth Zsolt who is staring from 1998 the president of the External Politics Committee of the Hungarian parliament. This was the first meeting between representatives of the two parties; so this meeting meant that the first step towards the collaboration between URR and another Christian democratic party of the former communist countries was made.


During the 25th - 27th of July the National Leading Council was reunited in Palitinis. The special guest of the meeting was the famous within the field of culture Gabriel Liiceanu.


In the month of July, the members of the URR organizations of Cluj, Constanta, Timisoara and Bucharest created more sampling campaigns by distributing URR fliers. The Cluj URR Organization demarked a communication, dialogue and acceptance of the problems project to the suggestions that came from the people of Cluj.

News on the www.urr.ro site

July enriched the site with:


  • The banner with the reform of the Electoral Code proposed by the Pro Democratia Association
  • The "Save Vama Veche" banner
  • The last two attitudes that can be found in the same named section
  • The open letter - One year of work and hope
  • The publishing of materials linked to the current activity.

The URR reflection in mass-media

The URR apparitions in the central and local central press throughout the month of July were numerous, the URR activity being reflected in over 40 articles. On a central level we send 10 press releases. Part of the articles, as well the press releases they are also presented on the www.urr.ro site, Media section.


On July the 10th URR Timisoara held a press conference with the occasion of celebrating one year from the URR setting up.


On July, the 11th, Laurentiu Stefanescu, the president of the URR Timisoara was the guest of a talk-show on the Europa Nova television. The show was broadcasted live, starting with 10 p.m. and lasted for an hour.


The URR Position in top

During the month of July the URR site remained in top, occupying the 5th and the 6th positioning on www.trafic.ro, Politics section. The number of the site visitors was 6.278, registering an increase of 28,1%.

Feed back

We are waiting for your opinions and your comment on this report to the address contact@urr.ro

We like to thank all those that have posted the URR banner on their sites, thus expressing once again their desire of helping us.

Any information linked to what the local media is writing about us are useful.

You can send us by writing to the revistapresei@urr.ro address.



All the best,

Cosmin Alexandru, President

The Union of The Reconstruction of Romania - URR


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regarding this site? Send it to webmaster@urr.ro
