Union for Reconstruction of Romania - URR
Uniunea pentru Reconstrucția României - URR
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Closed: 31.12.2004
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Press Rel.
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01 02 03 04 05 06
07 08 09 10 11 12
07 08 09 10 11 12
01 02 03 04 05 06
07 08 09 10 11 12
2002 finacial report
07 08 09 10 11 12

Press releases

  Please take a look at our official positions.
December 22, 2002 Who is paying respects to whom, 13 years from the December 1989 sacrifices?
December 05, 2002 Following the Nastase - Zambaccian case, here it is another "real estate scheme" which unveils the way some PSD ministers are getting hold of fortunes they are unworthy of
December 02, 2002 The First URR national meeting
November 05, 2002 Open letter addressed to PM Adrian Nastase
on his 666 governing days
October 27, 2002 URR is launching its first local organizations
October 16, 2002 URR is launching its "Stop the Pruteanu law" public campaign
October 10, 2002 URR demands that the Adrian Nastase Government takes responsibility
in recognizing the failure Romania registered facing the European Union admission in 2004
October 09, 2002 PSD can transform administrative reorganization into a division of Romania
in influence spheres for party "barons"
August 27, 2002 Mr. Adrian Nastase, we say it out loud
you have no right to transform Romania into a Balkans' Belarus
August 04, 2002 URR demands dignitaries responsibility and
imediat uncovering of their interest conflicts
July 31, 2002 Procrastination becomes rule, alms becomes reward, and poverty becomes the way of life URR's View on Prime Minister Nicolae Ceausescu's Social Program, 2002-2003
July 21, 2002 We are 100 percent honest in our intentions. We are just people like many other Romanians. Perhaps one of the differences stays with the fact that we do have a future for ourselves here, in Romania, but we are well aware that many Romanians don't have such a future.
July 12, 2002 Subsequently to press stories that suggested a connection between the Union for the Reconstruction of Romania and the former Romanian President Emil Constantinescu, I feel it is my duty to come forward with several issues:
July 10, 2002 Young Romanian managers begin to have a voice in politics. A new party, established by them, today makes its first public appearance - The Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - www.urr.ro


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