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Date: 10.10.2002


URR demands that the Adrian Nastase Government takes responsibility
in recognizing the failure Romania registered facing the European Union admission in 2004


The annual report of The European Commitee regarding the status of Romanian adheration to the Union proves that things are quite different from what the PSD propaganda wishes us to think. Romania has succeceeded in almost two years after the PSD "fireman-like" government programme to be the bottom European line country. But what realy concerns us at this point are not the neighbours but the Romanian reality, reality which the European Commitee is exposing within Europe.


"Tha strategy" Adrian Nastase talks about and which he consideres achieved, does not correspound to the reality and to the problems the members of his party - his main answerable men - are still trying to "integrate" for the last couple of years.

  • Corruption
  • Governing by emergency prescripts
  • Political control over the judicial system
  • Local and central administration incapacity
  • Lack of industry transformations, especially concerning the energetic field and small and medium-size entreprise domain
  • Bureaucratic obtacles for business men
  • Denial of liberaliysing the banking market by the Romanian Commercial Bank privatisation
  • The agricultural disaster
  • The confusion linked to the regional and rural development and to the European Union funds adminstration


Therefore, because PSD keeps talking about the "honorable resignations" URR demands that, following the anual Report of the European Commitee concerning Romania, the "honorable resignations" of the following head-members of the Romanian Government:



  1. Ministry of Public Administration - Mr. Octav Cozmanca
  2. Ministry of Justice - Mrs. Rodica Stanoiu, along with the General Attorney Mr. Tanase Joita
  3. Ministry of Interior - Mr. Ioan Rus
  4. Authority for Privatization and Management of State Ownership - Mr. Ovidiu Musetescu
  5. Regional developping - Mr. Leonard Cazan, along with the State Secretary Mr. Mihai David
  6. Ministry of Agriculture, Alimentation and Forests - Mr. Ilie Sarbu
  7. Ministry of Industry and Resources - Mr. Dan Ioan Popescu
  8. Ministry of Small and Medium-Sized and Cooperation Entreprises - Mrs. Silvia Ciornei
  9. Romanian National Statistics Commision - Mr. Aurel Camara
  10. Ministry of Waters and Environment Protection - Mr. Petru Lificiu
  11. Ministry of European Integration - Mrs. Hidegard Puwak, along with the State Secretary, Mrs. Maria Crivineanu


And, with your permission, the last name on the list, the Prime Minister Adrian Nastase who, instead of considering a success the potential admission of Romania into the European Union only in 2007, should assume, as a twelve year parliamentarian, the responsability of our country's failure to be admitted in 2004, compared to the registered evolution of the other eight ex-comunist countries.



Cosmin Alexandru
President, Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR

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