Union for Reconstruction of Romania - URR
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2002 finacial report
07 08 09 10 11 12

Monthly Report

August, 2003


In August, the URR activities focused on developing the party across the territory, but there were also activities dedicated to those enjoying their holidays either at sea or in the mountains.

Of these, we recall:

  • The fans campaign
  • The URRnitorilor team - the territorial development
  • L ocal URR organizations' activities
  • News on the web


Current information:

  • The URR activity reflected in the media
  • The positioning of www.urr.ro in top
  • Feedback


The Fans Campaign

The summer campaign "A Fan for Your Comfort" took place this year in the period 14th - 24th August, in Vama Veche and 2 Mai, and it overlapped with the "Save Vama Veche" campaign. To find out more about this topic visit: http://www.urr.ro/actiune/campanii/2003.08/evantai.shtml.


The URRnitorilor Team - The Territorial Development

The URRnitori team met some representatives of NDI and British Council on August the 18th in order to establish the territorial development plan and the preparation of URR members.


The implementetion of the territorial development plan prepared by the URRnitori team started in August with the launching of two initiative groups: URR Pitesti and URR Craiova.

The Local URR Organizations

On the 10th of August, the local Petrila organization hosted a traditional rustic feast. Together with URR members of Petrila and their families the celebration was attended by leaders of the local organizations of Timisoara, Cluj, Bucharest, as well as by three leaders of the National Managing Committee.


The local Petrila URR organization developed in the period 29th - 31st of August the "Eco Parang" project. Thus, 15 URR representatives together with 15 children of the Uricani placement center joined their efforts for three days and got involved into a huge action of restoring the environment on the Parang Mountain.

The Brasov local URR organization developed a campaign of distributing URR fliers with the support of 12 URR volunteers. The campaign coincided with "The Golden Stag" festival and the Tourism festival of Brasov.

News on the www.urr.ro site

Starting with the month of August we have celebrated a new section "This Month Book".
Each month, we will recommend through this section books that we find relevant for our politics and society.
The debut is made by our colleague Ciprian Siulea's book: "Rhetors, Simulacra, Impostures", a book that represents an incitement and an audacious analysis of the ideological influences in the Romanian culture.

The URR web site was enriched in August with:


  • The financial report of the last 6 months
  • The "This Month Book" section
  • The Fan Campaign
  • The "Petrol Policemen" attitude of the Attitudes section
  • Publishing materials linked to the current activity


The URR activity reflected in the media

More than 25 articles in the central and local media reflected the URR activity. We have issued 6 press releases, from the central level. Some of the articles, as well as the press releases are being presented on the www.urr.ro site, the Media section.


On Thursday the 7th of August, the URR president Cosmin Alexandru was invited to the "Public Opinion" talk-show on Analog TV of Timisoara. The show lasted for an hour and a half and the public enjoyed it.


The URR Position in top

In August, the URR site maintains its position in the top, being on the 8th place on www.trafic.ro, the Political section. The number of the site visitors was of 4.255.

Feed back

We are waiting for your opinions and comments linked to this report at contact@urr.ro.


Meanwhile, we would like to thank those that have posted the URR banner on their sites, thus expressing once again their will of helping us in this way.


We appreciate any information linked to what the local press is writing about us.

You can send them to us by writing to revistapresei@urr.ro.




All the best,

Cosmin Alexandru, President

The Union of The Reconstruction of Romania - URR


Do you have an ideea, sugestion, or request
regarding this site? Send it to webmaster@urr.ro
