Union for Reconstruction of Romania - URR
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Nicholson's Reports On Romania - 2004
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07 08 09 10 11 12
2002 finacial report
07 08 09 10 11 12

Monthly Report

November, 2003



In November the main URR activities, both on local and central level were focused on organizing the party's National Convention that took place on the 6th - 7th 2003.


Current information:

  • Local URR organizations;
  • News on the www.urr.ro site;
  • The URR activity reflected in mass media;
  • The positioning of www.urr.ro in top;
  • Feedback.


Local URR organizations


Members and sympathizers of the local organizations of URR Cluj and URR Petrila held during the 7-th and the 9-th of November the second phase of ecology project for the benefit of the Parang massive.


The local URR Arad has been launched on the 19-th of November, 2003. The party president, Cosmin Alexandru attended the event.


The local URR Constanta organization held a meeting with all the URR members of Constanta, thus starting the discussion regarding a URR initiative group in Mangalia.


The female members of URR Bucharest organized a debate having as theme nursery tickets. Ms Monica Tatoiu, the lady that initiated this law project proposal attended the meeting. At the end of the meeting URR decided to sustain this initiative.


News on the www.urr.ro site


November enriched the URR web site with:


  • The URR re-enlistment decision.
  • A new attitude: The street children.
  • Nursery ticket support.
  • Eco Parang II.
  • The publishing materials linked to current activity



The URR activity reflected in mass media


The URR activity in November was reflected in the central and local press through over 50 articles. On a central level we issued 4 press releases. Some of the articles, as well as press releases are presented on the www.urr.ro site, the Media section.


In November the local URR Timisoara organization held a press conference, the event being reflected in the local media.


The positioning of www.urr.ro in top


During the month of November the URR site remained in top, occupying the 8th position on the www.trafic.ro, Political section.


The number of the site visitors passed 6.064, the www.urr.ro being the most accessed one of all Romanian political parties' sites.


Feed back


We are waiting for your opinions and comments regarding this report on the contact@urr.ro address.


Meanwhile, we have to thank all those who hosted the URR banner on their sites, once again expressing their desire of helping us.


Any information the local press is writing about us is very useful to us.


You can send it to us by writing to the revistapresei@urr.ro address.




All the best,

Cosmin Alexandru, President

The Union of The Reconstruction of Romania - URR


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regarding this site? Send it to webmaster@urr.ro
