Union for Reconstruction of Romania - URR
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2002 finacial report
07 08 09 10 11 12

Monthly Report

September, 2003


Long passed the hot summer months, here autumn comes, along with September. In this month The Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR started a series of actions meant to contribute to the party's territorial development and to develop cooperation and dialogue with political parties from Romania and abroad.

URR's actions of September can be grouped as follows:

  • Territorial development
  • Local URR organizations
  • News on the web


Current information:

  • The URR activity reflected in the media
  • The positioning of www.urr.ro in top
  • Feedback


The Territorial Development

Mr. Adrian Pop, the URR vice-president and Mr. Ciprian Teleman, the president of the Bucharest Organization meet on the 9th of September with the URR sympathizers of Ploiesti.
On 18th of September the first organization of the rural area - URR Sanicoara - was launched. President Cosmin Alexandru and leaders of URR Cluj were present at the launching.
The URR Oradea local organization was also launched on 18th of September. The URR leaders, Diana Calfa, Adrian Pop and Nagy Zoltan attended this event.
Subsequent to the meeting held on the 26th of August between Urr representatives Diana Calfa and Nagy Zoltan and the URR sympathizers of Craiova on the 15th of September the initiative URR group of Craiova has been set up.
On the 25th September the URR local organization of Targu Mures was launched. The URR vice-president, Adrian Pop and the main secretary, Diana Calfa joined the members of the Targu Mures team to the official launch of the organization.

Local URR Organizations

The URR representatives, Cosmin Alexandru, Diana Calfa, Nagy Zoltan and Ciprian Siulea attended a series of meetings in Budapest, during the 8th-11th of September with representatives of the FIDESZ Hungarian party. The URR delegation met some important FIDESZ representatives: the president of the agriculture commission, the chief councilor in the external politics commission, the chief of the external politics commission and the vice-president of the parliamentarian group FIDESZ and also representatives of the budget and finances commission.
From 19th till 21st of September Timisoara hosted the sixth meeting of the National Managing Committee.
Details linked to the topics debated can be found by accessing:


The URR leaders, Cosmin Alexandru and Adrian Pop attended on the 22nd of September a round table discussion organized by the Horia Rusu foundation. The debate was attended by political annalists and representatives of the Romanian political parties. The theme in debate concerned the chances and the solutions for the right wing parties, now that the elections are getting closer.

In September, the district organizations of Bucharest and the Iasi local URR organization made several campaigns for distributing URR fliers.

News on the www.urr.ro site

September meant for the URR site:


  • The Timisoara meeting
  • The new initiative groups and the new URR organizations
  • The publishing of materials linked to the current activity


The Reflection of URR activity in the mass-media

The September activity of URR was reflected in the central and in the local press by over 30 articles. On a central level, URR issued 3 press communicates. A part of the articles as well as the press communicates are presented on the www.urr.ro site, Media section.
URR Timisoara held a press conference on the 19th of September. The topics proposed and debated by the URR members of Timisoara were:


  • the positioning of URR Timisoara versus the events regarding the District Council project of placing trash dumps in the Northern part of Timisoara,
  • the launch of URR sectorial politics regarding agriculture, health and justice
  • elements of the electoral strategy of the party on a local level.


On the 24th of September, the URR president, Cosmin Alexandru announced in a press conference held at the URR headquarters the latest events that had taken place within URR and the date of the National Congress of the party. After this conference, the TVR 1 channel transmitted an interview with Cosmin Alexandru, during their Hungarian language show.


The URR Position in top

In September, the URR site occupied the 9th place on www.trafic.ro, the Political section.

The number of the site visitors was of 3.919.

Feed back

We are waiting for your opinions and comments linked to this report at contact@urr.ro.


Meanwhile, we would like to thank those that have posted the URR banner on their sites, thus expressing once again their will of helping us in this way.


We appreciate any information linked to what the local press is writing about us.

You can send them to us by writing to revistapresei@urr.ro.




All the best,

Cosmin Alexandru, President

The Union of The Reconstruction of Romania - URR


Do you have an ideea, sugestion, or request
regarding this site? Send it to webmaster@urr.ro
