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2002 finacial report
07 08 09 10 11 12

Date: 12.02.2002


The First URR national meeting



The Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR has organised in Predeal the first national meeting of local organisations at the end of last week.


Over 60 representatives of the 11 URR local subsidiaries established so far - Constanta, Iasi, Timisoara, Cluj, Brasov, Petrila and the five local organisations from Bucharest - have attended the meeting.


The discussions were based on the unitary development of local existing subsidiaries so that they can start some local projects as soon as possible, projects that should prevent the specific problems of each community.


Towards the end of the meeting, Cosmin Alexandru, the URR President, draw the line: "We worked together one day and a half to achieve a better understanding of each other and of the way to a dynamic and efficient team - the URR team. We learned about the things that were motivating us, were connecting us and were separating us. We opened the way for accumulating personal values and turn them into common values. We learn how to transform our professional competences into political competences, separated past turned to common future. It was an intense effort, but the results are spectacular, from my point of view - we are really starting to build up together a new political force in Romania."


Part of its program developed in Romania, The Democratical National Party (NDI), of Washington D.C., U.S.A. prepared the URR team for a campaign of direct approach towards the voting people in view of transmitting the message and attracting followers (door-to-door campaign).


Of all projects elaborated within the first URR national meeting the first one ever to be realised will be the one of the URR Cluj organisation and consists in making an inventory of the local community problems.

"It's up to you" represents a project which will be finished in spring 2003, by elaborating a program of concrete measures, which will be applied by all local communities members of Cluj and will be made public in a press conference.


Still in December, the Constanta URR subsidiary will start the developing of "The Internal Communication and the Employees Motivation" project which is meant for the small and medium enterprises which are willing of rendering their internal activity more efficient. During this project the Small and Medium Enterprises will be the beneficiaries of free trainings and free assistance regarding the mentioned problems, from the URR organisation of Constanta.




The National Directing Committee
Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR

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