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2002 finacial report
07 08 09 10 11 12
July 10, 2002

Water has broke! It is time to be reborn!

Editorial - Cornel Nistorescu

The title of this commentary comes from a political slogan of a party that is launching itself these days. You have to admit: it is quite shocking! He wants to say that the state institutions have become a laugh, that we have no one to trust anymore, that poverty reached inadmissible levels, that theft on high levels became an art and a way of being. In the same time, the manifesto-sentences of the URR aim at breaking with all politicians up to now, with their way of being. I quote some of them

  • „Bancorex. Safi. FNI. PSD.PRM… can you still take some more? Do something for you!”
  • „Primaverii. Snagov. Cornu! What tram do you use to get home? Think of yourself!”
  • „Do you sleep quietly? The government works for you! If you wake up too late, you woke up for nothing. They have worked you too! Wake up!”

It sounds different and maybe the emergence of this party will mean, indeed, that the water has broke. It is time for another political force. For a new way of talking to people, especially to the young generation. And the ironic discourse, without any empty promises and common loci announces a new generation. This URR was initiated by the managers' generation. Through the multinational or Romanian companies thousands of technocrats were trained. No longer the "amateurs" after 90s. They do not have a political past. They speak foreign languages, use the computer, work according to European standards, they are the professionals that know what is a business plan and pilot projects. The emergence of this party is a challenge to the political, economic and public administration dilettante-ism (un-professionalism). These young people, that are neither unemployed, nor the prisoners of a 3 million lei salary try to lift up their generation fellows, calling them to the construction of a Romania based on logic and project, on professionalism and European spirit. Their adventure deserves to be regarded with attention. It is the conclusion of despair. We leave the country or we organize ourselves and see what we can do through political fight. Such a challenge can bring shivers. Many of the young people, that did not decide to go abroad yet, can join them. At this hour, no one has a persuasive offer of the 25 - 30 years old generation, the ones that do not believe in the previous government, nor in the current one, no in Vadim or the liberals. If this party does not fall into the traps of the common loci of the Romanian politics and if it resists to all attempts to damage their image (as many things will be set up to them), than it could contain the seed from which the alternative can emerge.

It is worth to read in today's Evenimentul Zilei what these young managers believe on the "stars" of the Romanian political stage in the last 12 years. They are polite, but unforgiving. In some phrases an opis of the weaknesses laying the basis of today's Romania are framed.

It is worth to read in today's Evenimentul Zilei what these young managers believe on the "stars" of the Romanian political stage in the last 12 years. They are polite, but unforgiving. In some phrases an opis of the weaknesses laying the basis of today's Romania are framed.

I do not know what kind of future URR will have! But it is worth signaling and it is worth paying attention and respect when someone is launching such a complex work and does it without stealing phrases from Nicolae Ceausescu, but in a manner resembling Walt Whitman:
„For us politics mean
to be respected after you vote too
to be answered when you ask.
To be listened when you speak
To have a chance when you dare
To earn decently when you work honestly.”

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