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2002 finacial report
07 08 09 10 11 12

Date: 01.24.2003


All along with Adrian Nastase, back into the Middle Ages

The ordinance project of the Nastase government concerning the retrieving of debts of the local budget is making Romania turn back in time in the dark Middle Ages. As it was back then the person's debts which were not paid in time due were to be transferred to his heritors or to the next of kin who is living with the debtor.

The Union for the Romanian Reconstruction is demanding the first minister and the minister of finances to explain what they were thinking when they decided that any Romanian citizen can be deprived of his own belongings only because a family member is less fortunate or skilled in managing finances.

The measurement thought by the Nastase government is clearly representing a fragrant abuse and contradicts the values of modern civilization, especially individual responsibilities. URR admits, nevertheless, that this measurement was absolutely to be expected from the Nastase government. It is quite normal that a government that does not takes responsibility for the serious errors it has committed, for the reform measurements it has not thought over or for the moment capriccios which it turns into one day political projects, to execute using force the Romanians for debts they do not own.
Due to the Nastase government incapacity of assuming responsibility for the huge losses made by corruption or lack of reforms well, he is now ready to retrieve the debts towards the state under any conditions, reaching the absurdity level of sequestrating "the unreaped fruits and the unrooted harvests". According to the absurd measurement the government is preparing, an exception to the forced execution of those we are talking about only the icons of the house, 2 months' surviving food and 3 months' warming fuels. The Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR is demanding the first minister to announce how many tones of fruits reaped or unreaped and how many fire woods they are intending to sequestrate to the Romanian citizens as a payoff for the another family members' debts to cover the billions of dollars which, according to a report of the Transparency International Organization Romania is yearly losing because of the corruption Adrian Nastase is patronizing.


URR is demanding the Adrian Nastase government to give up this catastrophique way of governing which is seriously violating the individual rights of so many and is confusing the very functioning of the society. We are demanding to the PSD government members to round off their needs of personal enrichment and their expenses for the electoral campaigns of some other budgets then the national one or the citizen's private one. If PSD is not able to make reforms in the economical field and to assume their costs he has to find another way of ensuring popularity then by getting the country stuck in debts, or making an inventory of hundreds of new taxes, more and more absurd by the minute and confiscating the whole personal wealth for covering other peoples' debts.



Cosmin Alexandru, President
The Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR

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