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Date: 02.19.2003


URR support for the Basescu campaign

The Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR is supporting the campaign of consulting the Bucharest citizens started by the Mayor of the Capital, Traian Basescu, regarding the BEI credits for the city modernization the PSD counselors have refused. The deleterious behavior of those who was supposed to promote the Bucharest citizens interests shows clearly how far the government members have come in following their obsession for image and how little do they understand, being caught in their rush for power, what is happening on the street.


When those that have the duty to secure the city development are capable of refusing the improvement of life conditions for its own citizens, only because it might be related to the different party mayor then they are not only surpassing the democratical game limits but those of minimum decency as well. The Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR is thinking that in such extreme case, which is the abnormality disproof only by the European Union, the mass media and the opposition are not sufficient. A bigger force, the common sense of each and every one should react against the perversion of those who are sacrificing so easily the Bucharest citizens' interests in their rush for more and more power.


The Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR wants to remind all the Bucharest citizens interested in their living conditions that each one of them can do something in virtue of this very common sense and of the sickness of being the subject of some vicious business men mockery. These ones, once installed comfortably in the General Council are starting a heavy action of recovering the money used for buying their places and even to make a "well deserved" profit as well. Each one can make the minimal sign of signing the General Mayor list for supporting the credit award. Not to mention that each citizen according to the law has the right of demanding information from every public institution, so each Bucharest citizen can ask the General Council for information related to this tragic episode of their city history. Last, but not least, every one with the right to vote should think twice before voting those that no longer hide their contempt towards him / her.


Cosmin Alexandru, President
The Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR

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