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Date: 04.17.2003


Victor Rebengiuc joined the URR

The Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR announced today the 17th of April 2003 the joining the URR party of Mister Victor Rebengiuc.


His reasons for entering the political life were connected to the realities of the Romanian society: "I think that Romania is heading towards a wrong destination and all warning signals mean nothing to those who are leading the country. URR convinced me that it is a party who is lacking arrogance and cynicism and that it is deeply preoccupied by bringing the country on the right tracks. I believe in the youth of the URR members, in their initiative and managerial competencies team spirit" said Victor Rebengiuc.


The URR president, Cosmin Alexandru, is marking the event as a new beginning: "URR opened more paths when he appeared. With the help of mister Rebengiuc we are opening one more today: the one of entering the politics out of conviction and not out of a personal interest related to a function, a job or a contract".


In the press conference URR made public its politics project for the cultural field. The main directions we sustain are: encouragement of the contemporary cultural creation, efficient maintenance of the patrimony, promoting the Romanian culture in Europe, administrative decentralization of culture and its integration in the market mechanisms.


Bearing in mind all the disorders and all the serious malfunctionalities of the present Ministry of Culture and Cults URR is proposing solutions as the ones that are following:

  • The abolition of The Ministry of Cults because in a democratic regime the cults do not require special reglementations for imposing the developing of a dedicated ministerial network;
  • The management of the culture by professionally specialized in the cultural management people;
  • The increase of the experts' involvement in evaluating the art masterpieces and of cultural projects financed out of public money, by withdrawing of the politics out of these decisions;
  • The more efficient use of funds allocated to culture, drastically diminished by corruption at the present and their supplementary in the virtue of a necessary priority within the culture field.


A recent success of the party is the fact that URR has been chosen to represent Romania in the "UK - SE Europe Forum" board, organized in partnership with The Great Britain and the South - East of Europe countries.


The purpose of this forum is to reunite opinion shapers youngsters for the cultural, economical, media and political fields of SE of Europe and Great Britain who will share common interest issues, who will know each other better and who will elaborate common plans and actions.


This forum will take place between the 2003 - 2005 years, the countries who are invited to attend being: England, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro.



The Communication and Mass-Media Relation Department,

The Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR


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