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Date: 05.22.2003


The Government Can Control the Mass-Media through Debts

The Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR is stating that the debts of the state-owned societies or private ones towards the state budget, which as a total figure reach an amount of billions of dollars, are representing an important cause of all disfunctionalities of Romania. Besides the arbitrarily awarded facilitations and the anaemic forced executions the government is practicing in general, a big problem for the Romanian society would be the important debts of more mass-media societies.


The facilities awarded to these societies are questioning the equidistance and the ability of the mentioned press institutions to criticize the government with no bounds, like they are supposed to. Likewise, the heavy publicity that some ministries or some state-owned corporations are making is many times suspicious. This does not necessarily involve the dependence of the supposed publication. But it can always be a potential way of blackmailing or co interesting. The ministries publicity is profoundly abnormal the more it means spending public money with no real purpose, besides PSD propaganda. The apple of all this issue is the commercial for the Ministry of Transportation, which is revealing only the new type of locomotive and offers the sensational information that one can make reservations and ask for information at the station. The absurd of this situation was preserved by the commercials of the Ministry of Tourism concerning the privatization, information that is referring only to a small number of potential clients.


The Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR is considering that the debts towards the state budget should be executed more efficiently than they were till now, and in a clearly not taking sides manner, and that facilities should not be awarded but in exceptional cases, following a regime of total transparency and only with the Parliament approve. The collecting and the redistribution of the public money represents a wide spread interest, of which coming to normality should we all contribute. The government arbitrarily behavior is quite inadmissible whenever talking about collecting or allocating resources that we all are generating.



Cosmin Alexandru, President

The Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR


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