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Date: 09.17.2003


European Integration, Anytime and Anyhow

The Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR is thinking that the External Affaires Minister's declarations are totally irresponsible; he is declaring that it really doesn't matter much whether Romania will receive or not the status of functional market economy. If Mr. Mircea Geoana doesn't want to understand the fact that not awarding this status to Romania while all the other running countries have already won it, is a clear sign of a possible postponing in our European integration, well then, he is acting more like a PSD electorale agent than the External Affaires Minister of Romania.


We think that the External Affaires Minister should keep his diplomacy for his external partners and not misinform the Romanians regarding the process of integration. Thus, is it much too obvious the affirmation that the possible non-awarding of the status would primary be owed to the fact that we do not have a sufficient number of consecutive years of economical growth. In fact, if Romania doesn't receive the status of functional market economy this will due to the simple fact that it does not have such an economy: we are the last regarding the privatization, because PSD has delayed as much as it could this process and we are the last at every economical gauges that are taken into consideration, because PSD is practicing a stagnation politics.


The Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR is thinking that the pro-European demagogy the majority of the Romanian parties are practicing can have dramatically consequences when the Romanians will face the reality of the integration. This triumphal demagogy is irresponsible counterfeiting as well the costs of the integration and as well the degree in which we are ready to face them. We believe even that a 2007 integration, forcedly run out of political convictions, could be harmful because Romania would not be, not even then, a compatible country for the European Union, should it preserves its present evolution path.


Presently, Romania is not getting any closer to the European Union, but, on the contrary, it is growing farther, because of its stagnation in sub-development while all the other countries, including the candidate countries that are evolving in an accelerate manner. In contradiction with the External Affaires Minister of Romania, who is thinking that we should integrate just because the "excellent aura of Romania" no matter whether it has or not the functioning market economy status, The Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR is stating that we should integrate only when the state will withdraw from the economy, letting it work on market principles and only when the corruption will be eradicated and not organized by the government.

Cosmin Alexandru
The Union for the Reconstruction of Romania - URR

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